Code Consulting

FRA is experienced in providing fire protection code consulting for facilities of all types. Our fire protection engineers are licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia allowing us to support client needs throughout the US and internationally. FRA can cater support to client needs while maintaining compliance with local and national code requirements.

Fire Protection and Life Safety Narrative Reports

Some jurisdictions require the development and submission of a fire protection and life safety narrative report.  Whether one is required or not, a narrative report can serve as an invaluable tool for building owners, developers, and architects as a single document that describes the design rationale of fire protection systems and how they interface and interact to provide the required level of life safety for building occupants, emergency response personnel, and property protection.

FRA has extensive experience providing building and fire code consulting services, design of all types of detection and suppression systems, as well as detailed fire modeling.  This experience enables us to develop concise and detailed narrative reports.

Alternative Materials and Methods Requests (AMMR)

Model building and fire codes allow the use of AMMRs and
Variances to demonstrate that an alternative design approach meets or exceeds the prescriptive code requirements.

FRA employs advanced techniques and knowledge of code requirements to assist our clients with developing unique and innovative solutions that meet the expectations of the project and can be approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Development and acceptance of AMMRs and Fire Variances oftentimes require discussions with the AHJ. FRA has extensive experience negotiating with AHJs and gaining approval of AMMRs and Fire Variances.

Smoke Control Rational Analysis (SCRA)

Smoke control systems can be either mechanical (active) or passive systems. The approach utilized depends upon the occupancy of the building as well as other issues. Regardless of the approach, FRA staff are experts in the use of hand calculations, zone models (Contam), and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling. These tools are used for the evaluation of smoke movement and the design of smoke control systems to provide a tenable environment for building occupants to safely egress.

The results of the modeling are documented in a rational analysis which includes design considerations and performance criteria. FRA then works with the design team’s mechanical, electrical, and fire alarm contractors to ensure that the requirements of the smoke control system are properly implemented. This coordination ensures a fully integrated smoke control system that can be successfully installed and commissioned.

AHJ Support and 3rd Party Plan Review

FRA has extensive experience in providing fire protection support to building and fire departments. Our system design, consulting experience, participation in the code development process as well as our research and development experience uniquely position us to support AHJs.

We provide general support directly to jurisdictions as well as “pass-through” contracts for specific large developments for which FRA provides all plan review and inspection services.

As degreed fire protection engineers and designers, we understand the code and provide in-depth plan reviews to ensure compliance with national and local code requirements.

We review building plans for compliance with building and fire code elements such as egress requirements, allowable area and height, occupancy separation, hazardous materials, fire department access, and water supply. In addition, we conduct deferred submittal reviews for all types of fire suppression and alarm systems. Other areas of plan review include high-piled storage analyses and battery energy storage systems.

Construction Administration Services

FRA provides construction administration support to design and installation teams through RFI responses, reviewing commissioning test procedures, and witnessing commissioning and acceptance testing.

Our experience in supporting AHJs through periodic construction inspections and final acceptance testing allows us to provide insight into best practices for commissioning.

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Fire & Risk Alliance is comprised of highly talented and motivated engineers searching for a new challenge. Click on the brochure to learn about the engineering & design services we can provide on your next project.